Hall Farm Nursery School
Fees, Opening Hours, and Admissions

Admissions Policy
We aim to make sure that all sections of the community have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
Places are offered on the basis of siblings first then strictly in order in which they are registered. If you wish to reserve a place for your child please fill in the interest form, which can be found on the enrolment page of this website. The office will contact you to offer a show round, and then send you the registration form and details to pay an Administration Fee of £50 per child. If places are unavailable, you can opt to be added to our waiting list as often places become available later on.
For more information on our Admissions Policy, click here.

An invoice is sent out via our parent portal, Famly, at the beginning of each month. Payments are due within 10 days of receipt of the invoice. A 5% surcharge will incur if late payment is received. Parents/carers should notify nursery if their invoice is not received.
Our current hourly rate is £7.50 (this is made up of 2 parts: an hourly session charge of £6.50 and an hourly consumable charge of £1.00). Meals are charged in addition to this. You may choose whether you send your child with a packed lunch or have a cooked lunch at a cost of £2.75 per day. An optional light tea is given to the children at 16:00 for £1.75 a day. Please see the homepage for a link to our menu.
Please note that fees are reviewed each April.

Opening Times and Holidays
The Nursery is open throughout the year from 8:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. We always close for about one week around Christmas and New Year and on all Bank Holidays. We may occasionally also close for staff training days.
Children attending all year round are entitled to two weeks holiday pro rata. For example, if the child were booked in to attend 2 days per week, then the holiday entitlement for the whole year would be 4 days. Our holiday period runs from 1st September to 31st August each year and the holiday will be calculated based on your start date. We require one month’s written notice when booking holiday – you can email the office or message Gayle Mitchell via Famly. Any holidays taken outside of the annual entitlement will still be charged.
Children attending term-time only will not receive a holiday allowance.
Spring Term 2025 : Tuesday 7th January - Friday 4th April
Half Term: Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Summer Term 2025: Wednesday 23rd April - Tuesday 22nd July
Half Term: Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May

Our experience has shown that in order for children to settle at nursery, it is beneficial for them to attend at least two sessions a week. Therefore a minimum of two days must be booked when registering your child at the setting.
If you require extra sessions, these can be booked through the office. We tend to have more availability during the holidays, and so do feel free to enquire.
Your child’s place is booked solely for them, and staffing is arranged accordingly. Therefore, unfortunately we are unable to swap sessions.
If you wish to withdraw your child or cancel a session permanently, we require one month’s written notice.

Tax Free Childcare
Many of our families are eligible for tax free childcare as a payment method for their fees. This is a government scheme which enables you to pay childcare costs out of untaxed income. This can mean a further saving of up to £2,000 per child per year! For more information, please go to the Childcare Choices website which includes details on how to use it.

3 and 4 Year Old Funding
All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to receive 15 hours funded childcare per week term-time only, up to 570 hours per year, from the beginning of the term following their 3rd birthday. This is known as the Universal Entitlement. This can be spread out across 52 weeks of the year, using less then 15 hours per week.
In order for the nursery to claim the funded entitlement all parents/carers of eligible children are required to complete a Parent Claim form on a termly basis. More information will be sent home for you about this at the appropriate time.
Some families meet certain criteria to enable them to claim an extra 15 hours per week meaning they can receive up to 30 hours per week during term time (or spread across 52 weeks as long as the maximum allowance of 1140 hours per year is not exceeded). We encourage all families to check if they are eligible to receive the 30 hours per week funding. To do this you will need to apply online at https://www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-tax-free-childcare.
Once your child claims 3 & 4 year government funding we add a charge to your monthly invoice of £1.00 per funded hour to cover snacks, consumables and additional services.
If you would like more information on this, please contact Gayle Mitchell, the Nursery Manager, or Lisa, the Accounts Manager.

9 month funding and 9 month to 2 year funding
We are accepting Working Parent entitlement funding for eligible 2 year olds and under-2s. Further information can be found by visiting childcare choices.gov.uk
The Norfolk County Council have produced a brilliant document that aims to support families to navigate the system and determine which entitlement applies to them. Drop us an email and we will be happy to send it to you.
The government funding will cover the session charge of our fees but all parents will be expects to pay £1.00 per funded hour to cover the consumables element of the fee. Any attendance not covered by funding will be charged at £7.50 per hour.
08.00-15.00: £52.50
08.00-17.30: £71.25
09.00-15.00: £45.00
09.00-17.30: £63.75
Please see our charging policy for more details.

01953 888516
Hall Farm Nursery School
Hargham Road
Hargham, Norfolk
NR16 2JW
©2024 by Hall Farm Nursery School.