Hall Farm Nursery School

Hall Farm Nursery School
Hargham, Norfolk

About Us
Hall Farm Nursery School is located in a lovely rural setting providing a warm and friendly welcome to children aged 3 months to 5 years. The converted farm buildings and cosy cabin provide 5 different classes to enable the children to play and learn in a safe and caring environment. In addition, there are 5 different outdoor play areas including a large beautiful garden, hard playground and woodland walk trail. Learning can and should be fun, and here, at Hall Farm Nursery School, we aim to mix plenty of creative, imaginative and physical play with more specific skills required in preparation for school. We have a dedicated team of experienced and qualified staff whose aim throughout is for the children to have fun and enjoy socialising and learning in a relaxed, safe and stimulating environment. As a nursery we are dedicated to the professional development of our staff, and we are proud that most of our staff are first aid trained.
Our Nursery

Our Values
Preparing little ones for life
The Great Outdoors
Our unique rural location means that we are fortunate to have spacious outdoor facilities including a large garden, a playground, a woodland walk trail, a large equipment area, covered areas and individual play areas for each class too. This means we get to make the most of the fresh air all year round!
Personalised care
Each child is individual and we want to give them the care and specific attention you would at home. Each child has their own ‘key person’ who will get to know them in great depth in order to specifically support their development. We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents/carers well, and who can meet their individual needs.
Preparation for School
As your little one grows up, we slowly introduce activities and skills that will prepare them for school. For example, we increase the amount of carpet time they have as they get older, introduce reading and writing skills, and help with toilet training.
Most importantly, we believe in the importance of having a good time. Learning can and should be fun! Here at Hall Farm we aim to mix plenty of creative, imaginative and physical play with the more specific skills involved in preparation for reading, writing and number work. .

Healthy Eating
Our meals are cooked on site by our dedicated kitchen team. As much food as is practicable is fresh and sourced locally and we are always happy to meet you to discuss specific dietary requirements.
Provision can be made with our cook to tailor our menu specifically to meet the needs of children with allergies or intolerances, in line with any care plans.
We aim to provide a healthy balanced diet, at snack time the children are offered a selection of fruit, vegetables, breadsticks and crackers and children have access to water throughout the day.
During meals and snacks we discuss the importance of healthy eating and encourage the children to independently select when they would like a snack and to pour their own drinks.

Parent Partnership
We believe that parent-nursery partnership is hugely important, so we like to keep you posted on what we have been up to each week at nursery. To do so, we use an online educational system called Famly. On Famly, all children attending Hall Farm Nursery School have a personal learning story which records photographs, videos, observations and comments, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This will highlight how they are progressing at nursery, with a particular focus on the areas of development highlighted in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This website is to help provide information about our nursery school; however, please note that in order to respect the privacy and confidentiality of the children attending nursery, some of the photographs are of agency children taking part in regular nursery activities that happen here at Hall Farm Nursery School.

01953 888516
Hall Farm Nursery School
Hargham Road
Hargham, Norfolk
NR16 2JW
©2024 by Hall Farm Nursery School.